Author: Gabriella Dotson

1 218 / 18 POSTS
How do I choose a quality roofing contractor?

How do I choose a quality roofing contractor?

A roofing project is essential and expensive project that requires the best hands possible to get the best value possible. With several contractors ar [...]
How Can I Get Money To Renovate My Condo?

How Can I Get Money To Renovate My Condo?

Deciding to do condo renovations is an important task. And you should asses your financial abilities and expectations so that you make the best out of [...]
What Are The Benefits Of Bathroom Renovations?

What Are The Benefits Of Bathroom Renovations?

As a homeowner (but not only), you might end up being extremely cautious about your household expenses. And as a result, you might think about bathroo [...]
5 Things to Look for When Buying a House

5 Things to Look for When Buying a House

Are you planning to buy a house? Do you want to know the things to look for when buying a home? Do you want to avoid spending a considerable amount on [...]
How to Deal with Mold Build-Up on Your Windows

How to Deal with Mold Build-Up on Your Windows

This post talks about how to spot mold build up on your windows and how to get rid of them. And lastly, it talks about how to proactively prevent them [...]
Why is it Important to Replace KITEC Plumbing in Your Home?

Why is it Important to Replace KITEC Plumbing in Your Home?

KITEC Plumbing is a very common plumbing system. It involves the use of flexible aluminum pipes placed between the inside and outside layers PEX pipe. [...]
When To Replace Roof Shingles?

When To Replace Roof Shingles?

There are tons of cases where homeowners weren’t aware of the poor condition of their roof and it resulted in a minor home catastrophe. If left unsolv [...]
Remodeling Ideas To Consider before Selling

Remodeling Ideas To Consider before Selling

Try to put yourself in the homebuyers shoes. What would be your biggest deal breaker? Besides walls filled with cracks and mold, perhaps an old and dy [...]
1 218 / 18 POSTS