5 Ways To Tell If You Need New Windows

5 Ways To Tell If You Need New Windows

A prompt window replacement can improve the quality of life by 100%. Homes with damaged or slightly cracked windows can pose health and security dange

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A prompt window replacement can improve the quality of life by 100%. Homes with damaged or slightly cracked windows can pose health and security dangers to residents. However, most homeowners still have damaged windows installed in their homes. Though, most of them are unaware of when new windows are needed. Experts advise homeowners to replace old windows with new ones every 15-20 years. Old windows lack the energy-efficiency of new windows, thereby costing homeowners more energy bills. 

If you haven’t executed any recent window replacement, then read why you should below. 

1. Heat bills are high

A higher heat bill than usual is the first sign of an old window. Older windows lack the energy efficiency of most modern windows. These old windows lack the properties to trap heat, thus working your furnace and HVAC system extra hard. This can be handled by installing a double-pane modern window, replacing the old single-pane windows in your homes. 

2. Condensation

Condensation in between window panes indicates damaged windows’ seals. This would create a visible fog that obstructs your outdoor view, and if not repaired or replaced in time, it’ll lead to leaky windows. However, not all condensation requires window replacement. Make sure it is visible between window panes before you invest in window replacement. 

3. Poor window operation

Poor window operation is typical with old windows. Most of these old windows have outlived their lifespan, and among other signs of their expiration is the difficulty of operation. Check the affected windows for interference and if there’s none, then start thinking about investing in window replacement. 

4. Decaying window frame

Decaying window frames is a major sign of window replacement. Without window awnings, your windows are at a higher risk of moisture and water exposure, which could damage the entire soundness of your windows.  The moment you notice a decaying window frame is the moment you invest in new windows. Ignoring this major sign will leave your home unsecured and cause a reduction in your quality of life. 

5. Visible damage

Most people ignore visible damages to their windows but this nonchalant attitude has been the cause of major window problems. Most window damages just don’t appear out of the blue. We first see small signs of these damages from the onset, warning us of the dangers ahead. 

Window replacement is a necessity for every home. Replacing your old windows with modern windows will save you money and improve your quality of life.